1 min readSep 10, 2020

Hello, and welcome to AstroTools!

A DeFi dashboard that bridges the information gap between centralized and decentralized exchanges, giving you an analytic edge to supercharge your trading experience.

Here’s a list of frequently asked questions to help you get started:

Q: Why does the ASTRO token exist?
A: ASTRO is a membership token that users will need to hold to access the first production version of AstroTools (Release Candidate 1 — RC1).

Q: How many ASTRO tokens are required to access AstroTools?
A: We’ve decided to let the market calm down before confirming token holding requirements. Rest assured, we intend to make AstroTools as competitive and accessible as possible.

Q: When will RC1 go live?
A: RC1 will go live towards the end of September. Keep an eye on our social channels for further updates.

Q: How do I report a bug or feature request?
A: You can submit a feature request here: http://bit.ly/AstroToolsFeatureRequest — we’d love your feedback!

Q: Will there be a dark mode available?
A: Our eyes hurt too; we’re on the case.

Q: Will you improve the charting experience, add drawing tools, etc?
A: Absolutely! This is our MVP, so it’s a little clunky, which is why it’s free, but we have ambitious plans. Watch this space!

Q: How do I learn more about AstroTools?
A: Our “hello, world” blog post contains a bunch of useful information: http://bit.ly/MeetAstroTools




Astrotools is a DeFi dashboard that bridges the information gap between centralized and decentralized exchanges.